
Now Viewing: Asbestos Abatement

Asbestos Health Risks

February 7, 2020 | Asbestos Abatement

What problems does asbestos cause?   Mesothelioma, Lung Cancer, and Asbestosis Asbestos causes several types of respiratory disease including mesothelioma and lung cancer. This risk increases greatly for smokers. Because asbestos particles break down to such a fine size, it’s able to be inhaled easily and then the inhaled particles get stuck in the lungs, causing…

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What is Asbestos?

What is asbestos? Asbestos is a heat resistant serpentine silicate mineral that can be woven, or sprayed, and used as a binder or an insulator. there are six major minerals that are considered any asbestos family, including Chrysotile, Amosite, and Crocidolite. Chrysotile is the one most commonly found in residential construction in the Portland and…

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Oregon’s Updated Asbestos Abatement and Testing Rules – Fall 2018

There were several major changes to Oregon’s asbestos laws that were notable: New requirement 1: Residential renovation asbestos survey. All houses and other residential buildings constructed prior to 2004 must now have an asbestos survey conducted by an accredited inspector prior to demolition and renovation activities, with one exception. Owner-occupants doing their own home renovation…

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Day Or Night Emergency Cleanup Services